Call 715-531-6800 for an appointment with Dr. Delahunty
Kelly Delahunty MD
"I find Pediatrics to be deeply meaningful and fulfilling. Watching children grow through stages of development offers many opportunities to engage with families and help navigate challenges."
Dr. Kelly Delahunty thought her chance to be a physician had passed her by. With serendipity, she found herself in medical school at 30 years of age. She planned to go into OB/Gyn, but after delivering her fair share of babies, she realized that her heart was in partnering with families to help their kids grow into healthy adults. She remembers the sage advice from her father: whatever you miss when you're not doing it, that's your specialty. "He was right about that," she says. Looking back, Dr. Delahunty reflects, "Pediatrics chose me."
All these years later, it continues to choose her. "There is always more to learn; I'm never bored." But beyond the technical know-how of her profession, the human side of medicine is what fulfills her. "There are very few jobs in which you are granted the intimacy of knowing people and being welcomed into their lives so freely," she says. "I love that we can parent our children in such a positive way as to see their brains and behavior altered by our intentional parenting. You really get to watch the evolution of a person."
When it comes to general health advice, Dr. Delahunty does not hesitate—she emphasizes self-care, and especially sleep. "There is no way to overstate the importance of sleep, both for adults and for kids." She also highlights the practice of being kind to ourselves, slowing down, and moderation. "You don't need to do anything perfectly. We need time to play and wonder and use our imaginations."
In her free time, Dr. Delahunty takes the time to play and wonder and uses her imagination by cooking, reading, knitting, and gardening. She makes a point of appreciating the cycles of nature—the seasons, the moon, the life cycles of her plants. She also really loves spending quality time with her husband and their family.
Dr. Delahunty is part of the Behavioral and Mental Health Program.
Resource from Dr. Delahunty
Got tired teens?
University of Minnesota, Pediatric Residency Program
Medical School
University of Minnesota
University of Wisconsin - River Falls
Board Certification
Where you'll find Kelly Delahunty

2651 Hillcrest Drive, Hudson, WI 54016
MAP & DIRECTIONS | 715-531-6800