April, 2022 – Getting To Know Sports Medicine with Dr. Jason Lee
In this Optimal Health episode, Dr. Jason Lee, a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, sits down with host Pete Waggoner to discuss all things sports medicine. Dr. Lee offers an in-depth explanation of what sports medicine is, how physicians like him work with the local athletic community, and the kinds of injuries they encounter through their work. He also gets candid about how working in the field allows him to stay connected to the world of sports he has always been passionate about. The episode provides an all-encompassing overview of sports medicine and how it impacts athletes, families, and the community.
- Every person working in the field of sports medicine has their own unique set of skills and experiences that they bring to the table.
- No two sports injuries are exactly alike, so it is essential to scrutinize every injury and have a variety of specialists working together to treat an athlete properly.
In This Episode:
- [2:50] Dr. Jason Lee defines what sports medicine is and illustrates their usual clinic setting and operations. He also stresses that sports medicine is a broad field encompassing many different aspects of care apart from treating joint and tendon injuries.
- [9:33] Host Pete Waggoner asks about how sports medicine can be utilized in a preventative fashion and how athletes can benefit from it. Dr. Lee then discusses the importance of understanding an athlete’s injury history and taking a holistic approach to help them avoid future problems and come up with long-term solutions.
- [10:14] Dr. Lee talks about the anticipation of the new Hudson Medical Center that’s about to open and how its facilities can benefit their team and the whole community.
- [14:23] Dr. Lee emphasizes the importance of team trainers and how they are often the first line of defense for athlete health. He shares some of his own experiences and how he’s come to appreciate the trainers’ vital role in the sports medicine field.
- [18:35] Host Pete Waggoner concludes the episode by asking Dr. Jason Lee about the highlights or the best parts of his job in the field of sports medicine. Dr. Lee talks about the sense of gratification he gets from being able to help athletes and see them return to the playing field to continue doing what they love.