Hudson Physicians appreciates its employees
Throughout the week of May 8-12, 2017 Hudson Physicians hosted a company-wide employee celebration event to celebrate each of the 200+ hard working individuals that make the organization what it is today.
Employees also supported a great cause by donating $1 or more per day to Victory and Valor for Vets Project, Inc. (VVVP’s purpose is to assist Veteran’s, Service Members, and Military Families struggling financially, physically, and or/mentally), as they wore jeans and participated in themed dress-up days. Employees showed team spirit on Sports Day, wore Red/White/Blue to show support for troops, and touted Hudson Physicians colors to represent a great place to work for Spirit Day.
Dr. Gregory Young, said, “Thank you to all employees for being a part of the Hudson Physician TEAM, because I believe Together Everyone Achieves More! Employeesamaze me each day with the hard work, dedication and commitment that they give to make Hudson Physicians a success.”
Employee Services Director, Michelle Sell, said, “Employee Appreciation week was fun and prize filled with food for employees, as a way to say thank you for going the extra mile to make Hudson Physicians not only successful but a great place to work. We had a lot of participation and employees were anxiously awaiting activities, food, and prize drawings throughout the week.”
Hudson Physicians wants to recognize each employee for their contributions that impact both patients and staff. Thanks to efforts from the entire team, Hudson Physicians personalized approach to care connects them to their patients and builds lasting relationships.