When anxiety gets in the way of growing up healthy Let’s say you’re the next batter up in a championship baseball game and the bases are loaded. Your team’s down by one point and there are two outs. You sure don’t want to strike out. You may feel your heart racing, your palms sweating and […]
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Matt Brandt, CEO
Hudson Physicians Hires CEO for First Time in its History. After 30 years in business as an independent healthcare provider group, Hudson Physicians has added a CEO to the top of their leadership team. Matt Brandt, CEO joined the organization in late 2018 when Ernie Wallin, the long-time administrator, retired after 23 years of service. […]
Continue readingLet’s Shine a Light on Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Let’s face it, when the sun is shining, you tend to have more energy and feel better. During the winter months when it’s dark and cold, many people tend to hibernate, like our furry friends. But feeling lethargic, irritable and moody are not symptoms to hide from. In fact, these symptoms, often referred to as […]
Continue reading5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Skip Your Next Physical Exam
Some people say that it’s hard to find the time or motivation to get a regular check-up. “I’m so busy” or “I feel fine, so why should I get a physical?” are common excuses. But the reality is, regular physical examinations are critical to good health. Immunizations may need to be updated, blood tests may […]
Continue readingThe Risk Of Vitamin D Deficiency From Oct – June
The Importance of Vitamin D & The Risk Of Vitamin D Deficiency From Oct – June While the warm weather of summer fades away and the cold months of winter are approaching, many of us are preparing to adjust our lives accordingly to meet the changing seasons. Snow tires, flu shots, and warmer clothes will all […]
Continue readingIt’s Bladder Health Month
Helpful Facts for a Healthy Bladder The bladder is a phenomenal organ made up of mostly muscle. The bladder muscle squeezes and helps force the urine out of the body through the urethra, which is shorter in women. The bacteria from the outside have a shorter distance to travel in women leaving them more prone […]
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