Spotlight on RSV RSV, or respiratory syncytial virus, is a very common, very contagious respiratory illness. In most healthy adults and children, it manifests as little more than the common cold. Unfortunately, in infants and toddlers with health problems, patients with compromised immune systems, and individuals who have breathing concerns, RSV can be much more […]
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Influenza (flu) & Strep Throat
Influenza (flu) and Strep Throat Season is Here Flu and strep throat may seem like one and the same, but they are different illnesses. The flu is caused by a virus and strep throat is caused by bacteria. Strep throat and influenza may also share some symptoms, but the key symptomatic differences help to tell them […]
Continue readingStudies show link between hearing loss and mental decline
Hearing aids can help slow the mental decline process Hearing loss is so common that it’s long been considered a normal part of the aging process and no great cause for alarm. But studies from Johns Hopkins University have found links between hearing loss, cognitive decline, and dementia. That means that it may be a […]
Continue readingWorld Cancer Day, February 4th: You Can Help Fight Cancer
Each year, more than 8 million people lose their lives to cancer worldwide. Despite advances in diagnosis and treatment, that’s still too many. Chances are, you know someone who is dealing with cancer now. Or maybe you’ve received the diagnosis yourself. That’s why, at Hudson Physicians, we’re urging everyone to participate in World Cancer Day […]
Continue readingFebruary 2nd is Rheumatoid Arthritis Awareness Day
How Much Do You Know About Rheumatoid Arthritis? Most people think of arthritis as an “old person’s” disease. But that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Arthritis can affect people of all ages and is the number one cause of disability in the United States. While there are many different kinds of arthritis, the goal […]
Continue readingWould You Recognize the Symptoms of a Heart Attack or Stroke?
You’re nibbling appetizers at a party when you abruptly break into a cold sweat. You feel lightheaded and your friend mentions that you appear pale. Is it something you ate? You sit down in a nearby chair and assure your friend that you’ll be fine. Just when you’re feeling better, a wave of nausea hits and you feel […]
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