hudsonphysician nature view

World Alzheimer’s Month

  Aiming to replace stigma with understanding, World Alzheimer’s Month is being observed in September with the theme, Remember Me. People are sharing favorite memories, or memories of a loved one, on social media all month with the hashtags #RememberMe #WAM2016.   What is commonly referred to as Alzheimer’s disease is actually dementia and is […]

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boy running

Stay Fit With Your Family This Summer

Stay fit this summer with your entire family by incorporating sports and physical activity into your family’s summer schedule. When you take a walk with your family on a summer evening, you aren’t just having fun, you’re literally taking steps toward feeling better and living longer. That’s why Hudson Physicians is promoting regular physical activity […]

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Schedule School Physicals Now

You probably have your sights set on summer and are busy planning activities for your children. As you put together their schedules, be sure to include an annual exam early in the season. Both school and sport physicals can be completed in May or June for the following school year.* While it may not seem […]

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hudsonphysician blog image

Protect Your Hearing

Do you have a hard time understanding conversations? Is it hard to hear over background noise? Do you find yourself asking others to repeat themselves? If so, you may suffer from hearing loss. Hearing loss is the third most common health problem in the U.S. and can be caused by age, illness, and/or genetics. Hearing […]

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hudsonphysician Final Affair Conference 5

End of Life Planning

Dr. Kristin Severson will be speaking this Friday, April 29th, about Advanced Directives and End of Life Planning as part of the 3rd Annual Final Affairs Conference. Her presentation is at 9:45 a.m., and the speaker panel starts at noon. This is an excellent opportunity to learn how to open up conversations with family members about end […]

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7 Healthy Food Substitutes

We all know we should eat better. And we all know it’s annoying. Here are some simple ways to cut calories and fat without compromising flavor.  1. Replace dairy with avocado Sub in avocado for butter in baked goods like breads and muffins. Sounds weird, but it works and it’s delicious. Just use the same […]

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