Hudson Physicians Makes a Donation to Bridge for Community Life
Hudson Physicians is honored to have made a contribution of $150.00 to sponsor the 6th Annual Corbin’s Cup Golf Benefit for BRIDGE For Community Life. The tournament raised just under $26,000 to directly fund BRIDGE programs and services.
What Is BRIDGE For Community Life?
Formed in 2004 by several families in the Hudson area, BRIDGE For Community Life Inc., formerly known as BRIDGE for Hudson Youth, Inc., was created to help youths with disabilities transition into adulthood. The BRIDGE clients live in Washington County in Minnesota as well as St. Croix, Pierce, and Polk counties in Wisconsin. Their focus is creating learning, leisure, and work opportunities for youth and adults with disabilities.
Types of Programs Offered
BRIDGE offers various programs, many of which are community outings and classroom activities, to teach individuals the life skills needed for independence, how to live a healthy lifestyle and how to establish connections with the people in their daily lives. Some of the sites for these outings include the YMCA, parks, bowling centers, theaters, museums, and volunteering at non-profit organizations. Transportation is available for many of these programs to make attendance easy for their clients. They also have a transition program for those students who are ready to enter adult life.
In addition to their educational programs, BRIDGE provides social activities for their clients. These include holiday dances, hockey games, a BRIDGE Club for games, crafts, and movies, and parades.
Last but not least, BRIDGE helps their clients choose, obtain and retain employment. Their belief is that with support, their clients have the potential to work if they wish. They assist with placement, job coaching, follow-up, and additional support on an as needed basis.
Volunteer or Donate
Hudson Physicians is delighted to give back to such a wonderful organization and very grateful for all of the valuable support they give to those with disabilities in the area communities. If you’re interested in volunteering, BRIDGE is currently looking for help with their seasonal social events, volunteers for the day programs and support staff for the clients. In addition, if you would like to learn more about this cherished organization, make a donation, or if you know someone who could use the services offered by BRIDGE, check out their website.