Not everyone realizes the value of having a Family Medicine provider, and that’s okay. We understand that you’re busy and that it’s easy to skip a physical here and there. But according to numerous health studies, a primary care physician will keep you healthier as you age. He or she is your point person, saving you time, preventing future illness, and potentially increasing your life span.
Dr. Greg Young, shown with his family on trip to Alaska, knows what it’s like to be busy. Which is why he says it’s important to pick a strong partner in managing your health. “A Family Medicine provider sees the whole picture and sees you as a whole person. Over time, he or she gets to know you. This established relationship allows for seamless continuity of care.”
When asked to explain the value of her role, Dr. Dana Dahl said, “My knowledge of the whole family allows me to understand the patient’s perspective in a unique way. The life cycle is particularly noted in family medicine where we have the privilege of treating the grandparents, parents and children. Having insight into grandma’s dementia, for instance, can really make diagnosing depression in the caregiver daughter easier.”
Dr. Mark Druffner, shown here at his son’s recent wedding, also appreciates the family dynamics. “One of the joys I’ve had as a Family Physician for the past 20 years is providing high-quality care. Like my own family members, I see these young people finally become young adults. This kind of consistency is what makes Family Medicine a great choice for patients.”
At Hudson Physicians, we care for all parts of the body and promote prevention through routine checkups, health assessments, screenings and immunizations. We also help manage chronic illnesses by acting as your advocate and coordinating care with other providers should you need it.
“We’re trained to assess, evaluate and treat the vast majority of patients conditions. When needed, we work with the patient to arrange subspecialty care, and even help coordinate multiple subspecialists. We’re often among the most cost effective physicians providing very high quality,” said Dr. Paul McGinnis, who’s been a part of the Hudson community for over 28 years – and loves it!
All of our physicians are board certified which means they’ve gone through extra training and do ongoing education to stay up to date on the latest innovations and advancements in healthcare. They’ll work with you to define your health goals and manage your progress, no matter what your condition or stage of life. You and your family’s overall health and wellbeing benefit from the continual care of a Family Medicine provider.