Hudson Physicians is pleased to announce the addition of two new providers to the practice

Hudson Physicians is pleased to announce the addition of two new providers to the practice. Travis Greiman, MD, and Jacqueline D’Souza, MD are looking forward to contributing to the health and well-being of the local community.       1. Travis Greiman, MD Knowing that he wanted to make a difference in his community and […]

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Get in, get out, and get back-to-school.

Back to school check-ups & schedule adolescent physicals Being a parent of school-age children, you are no doubt familiar with all the requirements for school admission from year to year. One requirement by many middle and high schools is that of a schedule adolescent physical before teens are allowed to participate in school sports. Do […]

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Announcing the Optimal Health Podcast

On February 14, Hudson Physicians released their debut podcast called Optimal Health. Hudson Physicians aims to get you back to optimal health when you are feeling sick, stressed, overwhelmed, or run down. You can listen to the first episode with CEO, Matt Brandt. Matt discusses what you can expect from Hudson Physicians in 2020.  A […]

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