Let’s Shine a Light on Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Let’s face it, when the sun is shining, you tend to have more energy and feel better. During the winter months when it’s dark and cold, many people tend to hibernate, like our furry friends. But feeling lethargic, irritable and moody are not symptoms to hide from. In fact, these symptoms, often referred to as […]
Continue reading→5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Skip Your Next Physical Exam
Some people say that it’s hard to find the time or motivation to get a regular check-up. “I’m so busy” or “I feel fine, so why should I get a physical?” are common excuses. But the reality is, regular physical examinations are critical to good health. Immunizations may need to be updated, blood tests may […]
Continue reading→December is National Safe Toys and Gifts Month
The holidays are almost here. They bring with them joy, lights, sounds, and festivities of the season. We have shopping lists that seem to grow every year. It can be a stressful blessing to have so many people that we want to celebrate in our lives. Shopping for kids and toddlers can be extremely stressful. […]
Continue reading→Supporting our Community
“The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members,” said Civil rights leader and wife of Martin Luther King Jr., Coretta Scott King. Hudson Physicians believes in this idea and because of this, each year Hudson Physicians is proud to donate to causes that help our communities grow. […]
Continue reading→5 HSA expenses that may surprise you.
Explaining the basics of HSA vs FSA As 2018 comes to its close, let’s discuss some important facts about your health insurance plan. If you’re covered by your employer, chances are you have either an HSA or an FSA account as part of your health insurance package. Both of these options have certain advantages, but […]
Continue reading→The Risk Of Vitamin D Deficiency From Oct – June
The Importance of Vitamin D & The Risk Of Vitamin D Deficiency From Oct – June While the warm weather of summer fades away and the cold months of winter are approaching, many of us are preparing to adjust our lives accordingly to meet the changing seasons. Snow tires, flu shots, and warmer clothes will all […]
Continue reading→It’s Bladder Health Month
Helpful Facts for a Healthy Bladder The bladder is a phenomenal organ made up of mostly muscle. The bladder muscle squeezes and helps force the urine out of the body through the urethra, which is shorter in women. The bacteria from the outside have a shorter distance to travel in women leaving them more prone […]
Continue reading→Bone & Joint Health
Bone & Joint Health Doesn’t Have to Weigh You Down The human body is a remarkable machine comprised of 270 bones at birth which later decreases to 206 due to fusion of some of our bones as we age. The joints connect bone to bone, and there are hundreds of joints in our bodies. Bone […]
Continue reading→Do your kids think vegetables are scary?
Make Trick or Treating Healthier This Halloween with This Delicious Recipe Do your kids think vegetables are scary? Halloween is just around the corner and that usually means your family is surrounded by a myriad of unhealthy treats. It can be hard enough to keep your family’s diet balanced and healthy, but it can become […]
Continue reading→Hudson Physicians Donates to the Phipps Center
Hudson Physicians is pleased to announce a $1,500 donation to The Phipps Center for the Arts. As a strong supporter of the creative arts in the Hudson area, Hudson Physicians is proud to add The Phipps Center for the Arts to the list of St. Croix community organizations we support. The Phipps Center for the […]
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