‘Tis the Season for Knowing Concussion Symptoms

As winter continues its frosty full-court press across the St. Croix River Valley, now’s a good time to up your awareness of mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI), also known as concussion. What’s the connection between concussion and winter? Several of the sports where concussions most commonly occur are played in winter, including hockey, basketball and […]

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Winter Safety Tips

Winter is a magical time in Wisconsin & Minnesota. Who doesn’t like warm wool sweaters? Quiet, cozy nights with family? Blowing on steamy cups of hot chocolate while watching a favorite film from the comfort of our couches? When mother nature drops her beautiful flakes of downy white snow, it can transform our landscape and […]

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The Health Benefits of Thankfulness

Life is not always easy, and some degree of venting can be therapeutic. However, if you find yourself complaining frequently, it can negatively impact your health in surprising ways. Fostering a sense of gratitude can improve both our physical and mental health. Here are some reasons to consider being thankful on a more regular basis: […]

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