A Glimpse Into Hudson Imaging and the World of Radiology With Dr. David Wicklund
September, 2022 – A Glimpse Into Hudson Imaging and the World of Radiology With Dr. David Wicklund In this short yet insightful episode, Dr. David Wicklund of Minneapolis Radiology sits with Pete Waggoner to talk about radiology, specifically how it works and what goes on behind the scenes of the newly formed Hudson Imaging. They […]
Continue reading→A Look Into Preventive Care, Obesity, and Medical Marijuana With Dr. Stephen Harrold
A Look Into Preventive Care, Obesity, and Medical Marijuana With Dr. Stephen Harrold In this episode, Pete Waggoner and Dr. Stephen Harrold of the Hudson Physicians delve deeper into routine patient visits and preventive care. They talk about the importance of screenings in diagnosing and preventing severe health concerns including cancers, heart attacks, and strokes. […]
Continue reading→Staying Fit & Healthy with Hudson Physicians’ Self-Paced Challenges
July, 2022 – Staying Fit & Healthy with Hudson Physicians’ Self-Paced Challenges In this quick episode, Pete Waggoner gets us up to speed on the latest updates on Hudson Physicians’ self-paced health challenges. He talks about how these challenges are the perfect way to foster and experience a sense of community while also maintaining optimal […]
Continue reading→Michael Koeplin MD, FACS
Hudson Physicians and Michael Koeplin, M.D. are a great match, and we are so pleased he’s joined Hudson Physicians full-time! Relationship-building is extremely important to Dr. Koeplin, so our community and clinic size are both perfect for his practice methodology – growing familiarity with his patients and fostering collaborative partnerships with colleagues. He loves being […]
Continue reading→7 Tips to Get and Stay Active This Summer
Ah, summer. Rather than ice and snow on the ground, the grass is green, the temps are rising and the warm air is beckoning you to get out and enjoy the season. There are so many ways to get active in the summertime and the best part is your current fitness level doesn’t matter. You […]
Continue reading→Headaches 101: Everything You Need to Know About Managing Headaches
Headaches can be quite annoying but usually, we can easily deal with them by popping a pain reliever and lying down for a bit. However, for some people, headaches can be much more than just a passing discomfort – they can be debilitating, chronic, and even life-threatening. In this article, we’ll explore the different types […]
Continue reading→May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month
Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the U.S. with more than five million cases diagnosed each year. It also is the most preventable cancer with the majority of cases associated with exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun. As we get into the warmer months of the year, it is a good time […]
Continue reading→Hudson Physicians is pleased to introduce Britta Rosenow to our Urgent Care Center
Britta Rosenow, FHP From a very young age, Britta Rosenow knew that she wanted to help others. Now, a Family Nurse Practitioner with years of experience, you’ll find her attending to patients in Hudson Physicians’ Urgent Care and working to prevent cases from hospitalization. That, to her, is the most rewarding part of her job. […]
Continue reading→Outside Activity is a Health Win/Win
Your parents may have been solely thinking of themselves (and some peace and quiet) when they hollered at you to, “Go outside and play!” But they were actually doing you a two-fold favor. The physical and mental health benefits from being active outside makes for an impressive pairing. Get Outdoorsy The necessity of exercising has […]
Continue reading→Stress, Anxiety and Sleep
Stress can play a negative role in many areas of our lives, including the quality and quantity of the sleep we get. As a result, we are left feeling tired, cranky, and blue. If you’re not getting enough quality sleep, it’s important to know you’re not alone. In a 2017 sleep survey conducted by Johns […]
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